Friday, February 15, 2013

mum ... its just a maths test ...

but this time it was my maths test and not theirs.

I've always tried to be supportive when it comes to tests (and goodness knows, they came along fairly regularly in the German system).  I've provided food, drinks, time, comfort and hugs on demand.  I've even learnt that staying away and not mentioning the test was often the wisest course of action.

Yesterday, I had my first maths test for about 33 years.  (I can do the arithmetic by mental calculation - by either split, jump or compensation method - just ask me how).

I multiplied, divided, considered equal fractions, and then drew diagrams explaining my thinking and working.

But the worst part was sitting there waiting for it to start. The last ten minutes - in the room, with my pens, my drink bottle, and the lecturer out the front trying to be cheery.  Everyone was there.  Why couldn't we we just 'pretend' it was 9:30 and start (and finish) early?

Those ten minutes ...

Seemed like thirty ...

Instead of staying calm a sense of panic rose: what if I haven't enough information about the theorists? what if there is a question about comparing the syllabi? what if I make a stupid mistake by rushing?

The clock ticked on ...

Should I try to get to the bathroom one more time ...

Then the papers get handed out.  We put our names, our numbers on all four of them (yep - all four papers - and Mr Bean springs to mind).

Finally, allowed to start.

I am just so glad I am not studying medicine ... I can't imagine the internal pressure before the exams.


  1. Jenny, you are in a positive, affirming, encouraging education system in Australia, I think you are suffering from past trauma from German testing...but let me know the score!

  2. Isn't it awful when you are not longer accustomed to taking test? I frequently dream about tests I should have prepared and obviously arrive completely unprepared in my dream.

    Nontheless - I really envy you being able to go back to school, learning old/new/superfluous stuff and preparing your future career with obviously heaps of options! I haven't heard back from the job I applied to, I think I am probably overqualified and slightly frightening, but it could be for the best because I believe it would turn out a 50 hrs job which means I wouldn't get to see the kids anymore!

    Anyway - good luck for the next test (LOL!!)
