Monday, February 4, 2013

I can honestly say that I am NOT missing public transport

okay - I have a bit of a bad conscience about it.  I do believe people should use public transport and reduce unnecessary travel BUT ... I'm loving driving our little car!

I do not miss:

cold train platforms
morning crush
missing the tight connection
sitting next to someone unpleasant
not sitting but having to stand
thinking about leaving in time to catch the last train
not going somewhere because the Sunday timetable is so bad
rainy, cold bus stops

I do resent though:

having to think about what I drink in the evenings
having to pay for fuel
my kids thinking that I am a taxi

but for that I have

my own airconditioning
my own choice of radio station (the kids are plugged into their own machines so they don't care what I listen to)
my own choice of route
and speed

I know its not a great environmental choice - but here it is THE ONLY choice available.

and I'm loving it ;-)


  1. Forgiven, even by an eco freak - are Australian drivers careful and courteous?

    1. There are significantly less of us on the road. Matthew commented the other day that we were experiencing heavy traffic Callala Style because we had one car ahead of us and one car behind!

      Of course there is the odd A-hole, but generally people are courteous because they have time AND SPACE to be in.

  2. But IS there good public transport? I know there is one to Nawra (spelling???) but it seems to me that just as in the States a car is quite necessary!

    1. Stefanie - you are totally correct. There is no way for us to live here without a car. There is one public bus that goes into town for shopping. It leaves mid morning and comes back mid afternoon.
      There are so few jobs in our village - the postman, the grocer, the butcher, etc. People have to travel to work. Many people seem to work in Sydney 4 days a week and live down here for the rest of the time. It would be an option for us ... once the kids are further through the education system.
      My dream would be to get work at the local school - then I could ride my bike to work.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have to say I don't miss it right now either! Waiting for the S6 is the freezing rain was not my favorite. And driving fast with the radio up loud so I can sing along is pretty fun...

  5. We have all the crowds jams and rudeness of a big city and none of the transport. I hate the hassle and pollution of driving, but now Bruno uses an electric bike to do the 7km to school; it uses v. little electricity and provides some exercise. I use it for all market shopping and small shopping, visits to Post Office etc, wonderful!
