Sunday, July 7, 2013

something I never had to do in Germany

... was sweep the dead worms out of the laundry.

Last week it rained so much that the ground became so water-logged that the worms sought refuge in the laundry.   It was also so wet that I didn't go into the laundry for several days (I was hibernating upstairs, wrapped up in a snuggly blanket, binge-watching Dr Who).

Today I swept out those worms.  They had dried up and stuck to the floor so it wasn't a great experience.  I'm hoping that it doesn't have any karmic repercussions.

Of course, if I am sweeping and vacuuming, this indicates that I have made SIGNIFICANT progress in clearing all those boxes.  Its a good feeling.  I'm starting to see clarity and order.  And that, in itself, is a very healing, calming experience.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

When vacuuming the bedroom represents a major triumph

I have vacuumed the bedroom.  Almost 6 months after arriving back, this is the first time I have actually vacuumed my bedroom.

What makes this remarkable, is everything that has gone on before to achieve this feat.

1. Vacuum cleaner actually arrived from Germany unharmed.
2. I found the vacuum cleaner bags!!!  Hidden in one of the 120 boxes which also arrived from Germany.
3. We have carpet!! Lovely, new plush carpet that requires vacuuming.
4. I found enough floor space to warrant vacuuming: i.e.  I have cleared most of the boxes in our bedroom so that there is floor space that needs to be attended to.

Scattered on the floor were bits of confetti that escaped from the bag imported from Germany which was the freebie bag given out at the performance of Rocky Horror Show we attended for Isabelle's 12th birthday.

What I could not do was vacuum under the bed because our 'bed' is still a mattress on the floor because the crucial central support for the bed has gone for good. 

That is the cloud in my otherwise blue and sunny sky.