Friday, January 25, 2013

starting back

People say you should never go back.  You should never return to live where you lived before. Never search out the friendships you once had.  This is the story of my journey back - back to Australia, back to Callala, back to my family, back to my house, back to my friends.  It is about journeying back to study - to study officially many of the things I have learnt over the many years of teaching.

My journey has meant leaving people very, very dear to me far behind in a cold, distant land.  My friends brought warmth to the grey, damp days that northern Europe had to offer.  They brought sunshine to my life when I most needed it.

This blog is to help me chronicle my journey - to discover what is new in this old life of mine, to discover whether is really is possible to go back again.


  1. And it's for us, those friends left behind in the cold grey place!

    1. No need to apologise! Can't bear seeing all that sun and sand, just too jealous...

  2. brilliant idea Jenny, looking forward to hearing all your tales. Goodluck on your journey.

  3. Very much looking forward to your stories! A beautiful, moving intro. Good luck, Jenny, Fare well!

  4. Welcome to the Blogosphere - looking forward to hearing your journey! Take care, Emma

  5. Yeah, you finally did it! I am so looking forward reading it :). Good luck and stay tuned! XO

  6. What a lovely introduction! I love blogs - they are so insightful and give space to developing thoughts...
